Energy Policy And The Electric Car

It's all well and good to spend millions on research that might pay dividends in 20 or 30 years but, the problem is now. Americans lead the world in automobile ownership. Over 25 percent of families, or 21 million, own at least two and sometimes up to five cars. Usually, that second or third car is primarily used to travel to and from work. Occasionally they are used for shopping but, according to research statistics, travel only an average of 30 miles a day. A very good application for the electric car.

A few years ago we were on the right track. The first "purpose built" electric car was produced by General Motors and available in California and Arizona. While never offered for sale it was offered to consumers as lease-only with service performed at designated Saturn dealers.

Between 1996 and 1999, GM produced 1,117 zero emission cars and leased them all. Improvements in battery design also occurred during that period increasing distance covered before recharge became necessary. The first units traveled 55 to 75 miles and improved to 75 to 100, all with lead-acid batteries. A third battery type (nickel-metal hydride) extended mileage but required 8 hours to recharge although 80 percent was achieved in two to three hours.

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