Energy East becomes Iberdrola USA

The name of the holding company for Rochester Gas and Electric Corp. has been changed to Iberdrola USA from Energy East Corp., and Mark Lynch has been named president of RG&E and of New York State Electric & Gas Corp., Iberdrola officials announced Monday.

The name change will not affect the names of Iberdrola USA’s utility companies, including RG&E, NYSEG and unregulated companies such as NYSEG Solutions and Rochester-based Energetix Inc., officials said.

“Directly linking the strong Iberdrola global brand—and its association with renewable, caring for the environment and focusing on customers—with our companies makes complete sense,” Iberdrola USA CEO Robert Kump said in a statement.

“It also makes complete sense to keep our operating company names that are strong brands in their own right.”

Lynch was president and CEO of the New York Independent System Operator from 2005 to 2008. He also has utility experience with Mirant Corp. and its predecessor, Southern Energy, and Mississippi Power Co.

The name change comes three months after James Laurito resigned as president and CEO at RG&E and NYSEG. Laurito was replaced by Michael Conroy as senior vice president and chief operating officer.


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