Gas drilling debate today

ALBANY -- The proposed gas drilling of the Marcellus Shale formation, one of the most controversial environmental topics, will be the topic of a public debate at 11 a.m. today at the Linda, WAMC's Performing Arts Studio.

Gas drillers say billions of dollars' worth of natural gas is in the shale formation, and New York state stands to reap millions in revenues by licensing the drilling. Environmentalists oppose it, fearing the hydrofracking process used to reach the gas will pollute groundwater and pose a public health threat.

Two representatives from each side in the debate are scheduled to participate. Confirmed panelists are: David Gahl, Environmental Activists of New York's public policy director;. Bob Howarth, professor of ecology and environmental biology at Cornell University; Bruce Selleck, professor of geology at Colgate; and John Conrad, president of Poughkeepsie-based Conrad Geoscience Corp.

Times Union State Editor Casey Seiler will represent the news media on the panel. Alan Chartock, president and CEO of WAMC Northeast Public Radio, will moderate.

(Click to read the entire announcement)


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