Hydro-fracking fight hijacks spill bill

The fight over the Senate offshore drilling “spill bill” shifted Wednesday from the Gulf of Mexico to the mountains of western Pennsylvania, as Republicans slammed the last-minute inclusion of language to regulate a controversial technique to extract onshore natural gas.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) added the language Tuesday requiring natural gas drillers to disclose the chemicals they pump into the ground as part of the hydraulic fracturing, or hydrofracking, process.

Republicans are wary of the addition, which comes on Page 404 of the 409-page spill response bill that Reid wants the Senate to take up before the recess. The language is not in the bill the House will vote on by Friday.

GOP objections to any portion of the larger bill could stall Senate progress, since senior Democratic staff indicated that Reid will not allow amendments.

(Click to read the entire article)


  1. Unknown said...

    Industrial hydrofracking for fossil fuel uses toxic chemicals. Lately the small number of inspectors in PA to oversee drilling operations, the release of toxic chemicals used in fracking, the radioactive materials brought up to the surface in the drilling process, and contamination of water are making news. We have a chance in New York to take a close look at this process before we make a lurch for quick money. We need a moratorium on industrial hydrofracking.

    Anne Furman

  2. Unknown said...

    Industrial hydrofracking uses toxic chemicals in drilling for fossil fuels. Spills of toxic chemicals, radioactive materials brought to the surface in the drilling process, lack of sufficient inspectors in PA, contamination of well and ground water, explosions at drill sites are making news. In New York we have a chance to take a close look at this process instead of making a thoughtless grab for the money. We need a moratorium on industrial hydrofracking.

    Anne Furman

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