National Grid spending audit requested

ALBANY -- Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley has called for an audit of spending by National Grid executives after her office uncovered lavish expenses by corporate officers that were passed on to ratepayers in that state.

The move is the latest by regulators in Massachusetts and New York to force the British utility to explain why it wants its customers to foot the bill for charges ranging from shipping an executive's wine collection overseas to private school tuition and hobnobbing with politicians.

National Grid is seeking a $370 million electric rate increase in its upstate New York service territory and a $106 million increase in natural gas rates in Massachusetts.

Spending by company executives at various National Grid subsidiaries has become a major issue in both requests. National Grid has said it has withdrawn many of the questionable expenses and is looking into others to ensure that customers don't get stuck with the tab. The company, which is based in London, has operations throughout New York and New England.

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