Participating in the debates, sponsored by the League of Women Voters and this newspaper, were Tompkins County Legislator Pam Mackesey and Assemblyman Tom O'Mara, R-137th District, who are running to fill the 53rd State Senate District seat, and other Tompkins County-area candidates.

On the issue of hydraulic fracturing in the Marcellus Shale, Mackesey said the security of other state industries, such as food production, tourism and education, must be safeguarded against any negative effects, and she supports a moratorium on drilling.

O'Mara said he shares concerns about the importance of protecting the environment against negative effects.

"This is one of the biggest issues we're facing right now," O'Mara said.

"I'm a supporter of hopefully moving forward with the gas industry in New York state. It's a huge economic concern. I do share the concerns with moving forward cautiously, with concern for the environment, but it must be based on the science. This cannot continue to be a political football thrown back and forth."


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