Draft Scope of 2009 New York State Energy Plan

A Working Paper for the
The New York State
Energy Planning Board

May 30, 2008

I. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to set forth a Draft Work Scope (“Scope”) for the 2009 New York State Energy Plan, and to solicit public comment and input on the Scope.

II. Background

Executive Order No. 2, issued April 9, 2008, created a State Energy Planning Board (“the Board”) charged with creating a State Energy Plan (“the Energy Plan”) to be completed by June 30, 2009. The Board, in turn, created an Energy Coordinating Working Group (ECWG) to assist in fulfilling the responsibilities of the Executive Order. The Executive Order is posted on the State Energy Plan website (www.NYSEnergyPlan.ny.gov). The Executive Order is specific with respect to certain analyses and assessments to be included in the Energy Plan which are recited below. The required elements set forth in the Executive Order, in addition to Issue Briefs on broad topics that address the interaction of energy, transportation, economic development, environment, and public health across sectors, comprise the Scope of the 2009 Energy Plan.



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