Historic Energy Efficiency Program Gets Underway

The New York State Public Service Commission (Commission) recently commenced its historic Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (EEPS), a far-reaching, ground-breaking energy efficiency initiative that seeks to reverse the pattern of ever-increasing energy use in New York by reducing electric usage 15 percent of projected levels by 2015; one of the most aggressive efficiency programs in the nation.

"Never before have we faced such significant energy challenges," said Commission Chairman Garry Brown. "The unprecedented rise in energy prices we are experiencing puts to rest any doubts the market is changing. To confront this new and unpleasant reality, we must immediately take bold steps to improve energy efficiency and reduce consumption of ever-more costly fossil fuels that we have come to depend on. Doing nothing should not be considered as an option."

Chairman Brown added: "The unprecedented energy efficiency program we are approving today will be critically important for the State's future energy policy. Without doubt, energy efficiency is the most cost-effective, and most immediate, way to reduce the burden of rising energy and environmental costs on residential and business customers. The steps we are taking will establish a framework for ensuring energy efficiency becomes an integral part of the New York energy industry. This initiative is squarely in context of broader State policies designed to develop a clean energy industry and economy."

(Click to read entire report)


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