Fracking policy causes controversy

A New York state Department of Environmental Conservation statement that is currently pending approval could increase regulations for oil and gas companies planning to drill in the Finger Lakes region.

The statement, written in September of last year, was created to address growing public concerns about pollution and take steps to ensure drilling sites are well regulated.

The statement was made public and open for comment. Though it covers possible regulation options and assesses environmental threats like the contamination of drinking water, a host of resident complaints and expert testimony allege that the document glosses over several key concerns.

Hydraulic fracturing is a process used by drilling companies to help natural gas trapped underneath rock formations move to wells where it is collected after drilling. A fluid composed of sand, water and a series of chemicals is injected thousands of feet into the rock, boring small pathways through the shale and unleashing natural gas. The series of chemicals, which can contaminate groundwater, are designed to prevent cracks in the shale from closing. The fluid that doesn’t remain in the ground is collected in pools of waste following the procedure.

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