NYSEG and RG&E have kicked off a replacement and rebate program for lighting and refrigerators in five- to 50-unit apartment buildings and condominium complexes. The program includes rebates of up to 50% of the cost to replace common area lighting with energy efficient lighting, installing up to six compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) in living areas and refrigerator replacements (for low-income customers) or rebates of up to $300 towards replacement costs for eligible models. Participants must own a qualifying property with NYSEG or RG&E electricity service or be a NYSEG or RG&E residential electricity customer who resides in a qualifying property.

“Installing high-efficiency lighting and Energy Star® refrigerators will help property owners and tenants reduce their energy costs immediately and for years to come,” said Mark Lynch, president of NYSEG and RG&E. “A step as simple as switching to CFLs, which use 75% less energy and last up to 10 times longer than comparable incandescent bulbs, can help reduce energy bills while also reducing greenhouse gases and fuel used to generate power.”

Apartment and condominium buildings with less than five units and more than 50 units per building are not eligible for this program, but may be eligible for other state-funded energy programs.

Eligibility information, other program details and answers to frequently asked questions are available at nyseg.com and rge.com. Information is also available by calling 1.800.995.9525. All equipment replacements and installations will be performed by RISE Engineering, a contractor representing NYSEG and RG&E. Rebates are being offered in accordance with a July 2009 New York State Public Service Commission order approving multifamily efficiency programs for utilities across the state. The program is funded by the System Benefits Charge on electricity customers’ bills.


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