Natural Gas Lease Forum For Landowners

Welcome to the Natural Gas Leasing Forum For Landowners

In the book "The Richest Man In Babylon", the following advice is given; "If one is investing in precious stones, it is unwise to ask a fish vendor for an opinion".

Our goal is to make it easier for landowners considering natural gas leasing to network together and acquire relevant information about the benefits and pitfalls of leasing land for natural gas and oil.

In-Depth Report About Leasing Natural Gas For Landowners

David McMahon, an attorney and a founder of the West Virginia Surfaces Owners Rights Organization has just released one of the best resources for landowners to begin to educate themselves before leasing land for natural gas exploration. Although it is written for West Virginia, the concepts and cautions are universal to land owners across the country. It is available for free downloading in the resources section.

(Click to read entire site)


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