Paul Emens Letter to the Editor

The push by Pickens and others for alternative energy sources is admirable and, at the same time, frightening. Why? Because in the rush for these sources a lot of regular people are being hurt.

In upstate New York we are struggling to deal with a Wild West scenario. The State mandated alternative energy and the power companies have stampeded into the countryside. They make promises that aren't kept, suborn local officials and pay pennies on the dollar through what are known as PILOT funds (payment in lieu of taxes). Often local officials who vote on turbine laws stand to gain by having turbines on their own land and devil take their neighbors. It's out of control.

The State has provided no standards. Standards, such as they are, are left up to each town, village and county. Lost in the rush for cash are the poor souls who live with the issues of turbines in close proximity - noise, flicker, view, property value decline, etc.
Those citizens are trying to fight back but money talks and talks loudly.

Upstate New York is a rural-residential area. The 450 foot-tall turbines were never meant to be placed in areas such as that.

Congress dropped the ball with ethanol (resultant higher food costs). We now face another fiasco with ill-planned alternative energy.

A little planning and foresight would be in order by those in government. What a concept!

Paul Emens, Chairman
Citizens for Responsible Energy Development
4284 Fairview Rd
Castile, New York 14427


  1. Unknown said...

    My neighbor came over to my house and yelled at me over my dog!

    I have a dog that I can't keep in my yard. I have tried everything and she always finds a way out. Anyway, this lady comes to my home, knocks on my door and when i open the door she points her finger at me and yells obscenities at me. Apparently my dog was in HER neighbors garbage and then pooped on HER NEIGHBORS LAWN! Why didn't she come and talk to me like a civil human being? Why was she a vicious monster attacking me at my door? I calmly went over to HER NEIGHBORS house where the garbage was and picked up every piece, and the dog poop. I agree that I have that responsibility to clean up after my dog. The one thing I don't agree upon is someone coming to my house and screaming in my face about something I didn't know about. Is anyone out there been blessed with a psyco-neighbor?
    I don't think anyone remembers the golden rule...Do unto others as you would want done unto you!
    I sent them a lovely card from this site I

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