ALBANY — A new “net-metering” law for New York has been signed by Gov. David Paterson, Assemblyman Kevin Cahill, D-Kingston, announced Sunday.

Cahill, chairman of the Assembly Energy Committee and a sponsor of the bill, said the law could save businesses, not-for-profits, local governments and schools money on utility bills, create jobs and boost the use of renewable energy.

“This amendment opens up further opportunities for all New Yorkers to take advantage of solar and wind power to lower costs and sell their excess clean energy back to their utility, creating one of the most expansive laws in the country.”

Without this change, New York state and its businesses, non-profits, municipalities, schools and other commercial entities would be unable to realize the intent of the state’s net-metering laws, he said. Under the new statute, non-residential customers will be able to install renewable energy systems as large as two megawatts, opening up a largely untapped market for manufacturers and installers.


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