NY has enough power for summer: PSC

In a release, the Public Service Commission also said prices this summer would likely remain stable based on NYMEX futures.

Power prices for July and August on the NYMEX were in the $40s per megawatt hour in western New York, the $60s in the Hudson Valley, and the $70s in New York City, all of which are about the same as this time last year.

The PSC did not provide an actual demand forecast but did note it approved of a couple of enhancements to Consolidated Edison Inc's demand response programs that pay consumers to reduce usage during times of high demand.

In April, the New York ISO, the state power grid operator, issued a Power Trends report that said the state would have about 43,000 megawatts of supply available in 2010, including imports, to meet a forecast peak demand of about 33,000 MW.

(Click to read the entire report)


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