When Chesapeake Energy Corp. began ramping up its natural gas drilling operations in northern Pennsylvania two years ago, it quickly realized the rural region lacked a sufficient number of apartments and hotel rooms to handle the sudden influx of out-of-state workers.

So the Oklahoma City-based driller built a $7 million residential complex and training center that company officials hope will help ease the housing crunch.

Chesapeake held an open house Thursday at its campus in Athens Township, Bradford County, along the New York state line. The low-slung dormitories can hold about 280 workers, and the fenced complex includes a cafeteria, recreation center and laundry facilities.

The workers moved in last week.

“At a certain point, it became very difficult to find places for employees to live,” said Brian Grove, senior director of corporate development. “This will take some of the pressure off the local housing market.”

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