Smart Grid: Where Are We With This, Really?

Although it is part of the energy conservation movement, the idea behind smart grid isn't energy conservation; it is avoiding the building of new power-generation plants. In the HVACR industry, the focus is on how a smart grid will impact the way we design, operate, and maintain buildings.

Michael Weil, editorial director of HPAC Engineering, covers "The Grid and Beyond," symposium, held on Nov. 12. Thought leaders from the Electric Power Research Institute, North American Electric Reliability Corp., the Utilities Telecom Council, Southern California Edison, and Johnson Controls Inc. shared their thoughts on what the concept of a smart grid is shaping up to be and the potential it creates for the HVAC industry and society as a whole.

Weil writes about who is leading the way in smart meters and what the smart grid is all about. And what are the benefits of the smart grid? Weil gives a good, simple answer.

"The bottom line is that the time for talking is waning, and the time for action is at hand." Weil asks for readers' thoughts on the smart-grid concept, and where they see it going.


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