Avoca board backs hydrofracking

The Avoca town board stepped out in support of hydrofracking this week.

In a 4-1 vote, the board passed a resolution Wednesday supporting the development of natural gas drilling in the town.

The resolution is designed by Clean Growth Now and the New York State Join Land Owners Coalition, and has been sent to other municipalities in the area.

Supervisor Ron Harmon said the board was confident the state DEC would develop adequate regulations for drilling, and that it was frustrating to see other parts of the state prosper as Avoca residents struggle to find work.

"The resolution that we passed is a benefit that would promote the well-being of residents in Avoca and the entire state," said Harmon.

Councilman Frank Lysyczyn cast the lone vote against the resolution, stating he believed the town should remain neutral on the drilling issue.

"We have people in the town who came to the board meeting previously who wanted us to enact a moratorium against fracking," said Lysyczyn. "We didn't do anything for them, so why should we do anything for (drilling)?"

The resolution — which the Town of Dansville passed last week — is a non-binding statement against towns spending money and time on a ban or moratorium on drilling.

After speaking with farmers and other residents in the area, Harmon said that most people seemed to have placed their trust in the DEC.

Plus, said the supervisor, if drilling is in neighboring towns but not Avoca, industry vehicles would still end up on Avoca roads.

"It's going to be here," he said. "It's the right thing to do, not trying to prohibit hydrofracking."

Avoca board members made changed some language in the resolution, giving themselves room to pass future legislation that could address hydrofracking.

Harmon, who didn't feel the alteration was needed, said board members were looking to guarantee they could pass items such as a road use agreement dealing with drilling.

The Avoca town board stepped out in support of hydrofracking this week.

In a 4-1 vote, the board passed a resolution Wednesday supporting the development of natural gas drilling in the town.

The resolution is designed by Clean Growth Now and the New York State Join Land Owners Coalition, and has been sent to other municipalities in the area.

Supervisor Ron Harmon said the board was confident the state DEC would develop adequate regulations for drilling, and that it was frustrating to see other parts of the state prosper as Avoca residents struggle to find work.

"The resolution that we passed is a benefit that would promote the well-being of residents in Avoca and the entire state," said Harmon.

Councilman Frank Lysyczyn cast the lone vote against the resolution, stating he believed the town should remain neutral on the drilling issue.

"We have people in the town who came to the board meeting previously who wanted us to enact a moratorium against fracking," said Lysyczyn. "We didn't do anything for them, so why should we do anything for (drilling)?"

The resolution — which the Town of Dansville passed last week — is a non-binding statement against towns spending money and time on a ban or moratorium on drilling.

After speaking with farmers and other residents in the area, Harmon said that most people seemed to have placed their trust in the DEC.

Plus, said the supervisor, if drilling is in neighboring towns but not Avoca, industry vehicles would still end up on Avoca roads.

"It's going to be here," he said. "It's the right thing to do, not trying to prohibit hydrofracking."

Avoca board members made changed some language in the resolution, giving themselves room to pass future legislation that could address hydrofracking.

Harmon, who didn't feel the alteration was needed, said board members were looking to guarantee they could pass items such as a road use agreement dealing with drilling.


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