Ambit Energy to Launch Service in NYSEG Territory

One of the fastest growing Energy Service Companies (ESCOs) in the state, Ambit Energy announced it will launch energy service in the New York State Electric & Gas (NYSEG) territory in the first quarter of 2010.

"We look forward to expanding our presence in New York and are proud to say that we can now offer almost every customer in the state a lower cost option compared to the incumbent provider," said Ambit Energy CEO and co-founder Jere W. Thompson, Jr."The New York markets continue to prove themselves as very
receptive to the benefits of competition in the energy industry."

Ambit Energy will now offer its competitive rates to a market of more than 871,000 electric and 256,000 gas customers across more than 40 percent of upstate New York. To date, only about nine percent or 100,000 customers have taken advantage of the open market by switching to an alternative energy supplier.

As they have done in other New York market areas such as Con Edison and National Grid, Ambit`s independent consultants will plan to offer the benefits of Ambit Energy`s service to as many of the remaining 91 percent as possible.

"With this launch, our Independent Consultants are able to serve another huge New York market," said Ambit Energy CMO and co-founder Chris Chambless. "And with our Guaranteed Savings Plan, they are well-armed to help New York consumers in the NYSEG territory switch and save. It`s been our experience that New York consumers are extremely open to saving money."

As in other New York markets, Ambit Energy will offer a competitive monthly rate and annual savings guarantee. In addition, each customer will receive an instant savings each month up to two percent as they avoid sales tax charges on the delivery portion of their bill.

For information on Ambit Energy`s rates and services, or its upcoming service launch into the NYSEG Territory, visit or call (877) 28-AMBIT.

for Ambit Energy
Allison Lowe, 972-499-6631 or Nick LaVecchia, 214-270-1782


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