June 25, 2008

Jodi Fansler
New York Public Service Commission
Empire State Plaza
Agency Building 3
Albany, NY 12223-1350

Ms. Fansler,

The Citizen Power Alliance is a coalition of independent groups organized to promote sound energy and environmental policy. CPA holds public officials and regulators accountable, while seeking the protection of the public interest.

CPA urges the PSC to accept Judge Rafael Epstein’s recommendation to reject approval of the Iberdrola Energy East takeover. The argument that Iberdrola is going to spend $2,000,000,000 on industrial wind development if the PSC approves the acquisition is spurious. Current projects Iberdrola wants to control in NYS are already in different stages by wind developers. This two billion is not new monies for additional project, but represents funds slated to buy out interests of companies like UPC/First Wind, Noble and Horizon.

Iberdrola has a record of EU anti-trust violations. It would be not only tragic but also fundamentally negligent for the PSC to allow a foreign conglomerate to have such vast power over the NYS electric utility system.

PSC deregulation policy must be enforced which requires that the entire commission needs to maintain the strict firewall between electric generation from transmission and distribution.

CPA members represent scores of activist groups who engage the regulator process to enforce sensible energy policy for New York State. We are the taxpayers who bear the burden of special interest benefits.

Eco preservation demands fiscal responsibility and viable technological solutions. Community power requires government transparency and effective industrial regulation. Commerce must balance development and profit with responsible civic stewardship.


Citizen Power Alliance
cc: Ethics Secretary to the Commission


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