The NYS Public Service Commission’s role is to protect NYS citizens.

Administrative Law Judge Rafael Epstein has recommended that PSC members reject Iberdrola’s acquisition of Energy East (RG&E and NYSEG) as there is no public benefit to the acquisition and in fact would violate Public Service Law, Article 70. They would be breaking one of their own laws put in place to protect the citizens of NYS!

THE PSC should be allowed to do its job on behalf of NY citizens without lobbying interference from politicians, like Sen. Charles Schumer. Senator Schumer is either ignorant to the widely and easily accessible, scientific information on industrial/commercial wind’s problems and ineffectiveness, or has already been bamboozled by the commercial wind interests’ incomplete and misguided propaganda.

We strongly oppose handing over control of our power grid to a foreign entity. We are asking you to uphold Judge Epstein’s recommendation to reject this deal. The people of NY State deserve our laws to be upheld. There is no real benefit in this deal to NYS citizens, only to the commercial wind interests at great taxpayer and ratepayer expense.

What good is commercial/industrial wind if it does virtually nothing to eliminate use of fossil fueled electricity generation or reduce CO2 emissions? What good is it when it negatively affects communities’ health, safety, property values and quality of living? What good is industrial /commercial wind when all it has done is pit neighbor against neighbor and split communities apart? We need to place our focus and resources on renewable alternatives that will deliver the goods, based on science, not misleading and incomplete data.


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