Gas drilling task force takes shape

Applications are now available for residents interested in joining the county’s Natural Gas Task Force.

Legislature Chairman Pat Donnelly, R-Bath, said members of the task force’s Steering Committee met last week to develop a mission statement and approve the application for three sub-committees: Public Safety, Roads and Infrastructure, and Housing.

The task force was set up in response to anticipated drilling in to the Marcellus Shale natural formation located roughly a mile below the surface throughout parts of New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The state Department of Conservation is in the process of adopting guidelines for the drilling process.

Drilling has become a divisive issues with advocates claiming the gas industry will create needed jobs and generate revenues for landowners and municipalities. Opponents charge drilling poses environmental risks and urge more studies and safeguards.

Donnelly said the sub-committees are expected to provide neutral input for the task force to consider.

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