Panel OKs bill to delay drilling

ALBANY — A bill that could place a lengthy moratorium on natural gas drilling in the Marcellus shale formation came one step closer to making it to the Assembly floor after it was approved by the Environmental Conservation Committee.

In all, 10 bills relating to potential drilling in New York's portion of the gas-rich Marcellus shale were moved out of the Assembly committee, four of which have sponsorship in the Senate.

Gas companies and some landowners are eager to begin drilling. Environmentalists are worried about the effect on groundwater of hydraulic fracturing, the process used to make the gas more accessible.

With strong support from environmental groups, the committee approved a bill 22 to 7 that would place a moratorium on hydrofracking. The bill was sent to the Rules Committee.

If passed by the Legislature and signed by Gov. David Paterson, the moratorium would be enacted until 120 days after a federal environmental impact study is finalized. The report was started in March but is expected to take months, possibly years, to complete.

Another bill approved by the committee would require that gas companies disclose what materials they use during the hydrofracking process.


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