Energy board switches on by LARRY RULISON

ALBANY -- Gov. David Paterson's effort to create a state energy plan kicked off Tuesday on the second floor of the Capitol.

Paul DeCotis, Paterson's deputy secretary for energy, presided over the newly created state Energy Planning Board, which has 13 members from various state agencies and the executive branch.

DeCotis unveiled ambitious goals and a grueling process that is expected to create a final state energy plan by June 30, 2009.

"Given the large scope of the executive order, it really is an enormous challenge," he said.

DeCotis and the other members of the board, including executive director Thomas Congdon, met in a packed room, where many in the audience had to stand.

Several energy industry leaders and executives were in the crowd, including Pat Curran, executive director of The Energy Association of New York State, which represents utilities, and Gavin Donohue, president of the Independent Power Producers of New York, which represents power plant owners. Representatives from Horizon Wind Energy, a wind farm owner, and Reliant Energy, an energy marketer, also attended.

Staff members will develop a framework for the plan before the board's next meeting in midsummer.

Paterson's executive order already lays out goals such as forecasting energy prices and supplies for the next 10 years and looking into alternative energy and the effect energy policies have on the environment and public health.

The plan also is expected to compare energy costs in New York with those in other states.

"We have more issues than time," said Garry Brown, chairman of the state Public Service Commission and a member of the board.

The panel plans to create a public Web site, and it will accept input from the public and interested policy groups. After a draft is completed next March, it will hold six public hearings across the state.

"We anticipate it will be a very engaging process," DeCotis said.

New York's last state energy plan was completed in 2002.


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