The governor is looking to have just one statewide economic development boss - leaving uncertain the future of Daniel Gundersen, the Buffalo-based co-chairman of the Empire State Development Corp.

The move has some upstate officials worried that the new Paterson administration will return to the Manhattan-centered approach that dominated economic development efforts in the state for decades. They voiced concern that rhetoric about pushing an upstate economic revival might be less achievable without adequate power being given to the person promoting the upstate region to businesses.

Governor David Paterson could eliminate the Upstate Empire State Development Corporation and the upstate post of Dan Gundersen, according to the Buffalo News.

I'm worried about this for a few reasons. First, Eliot Spitzer made upstate a focus and Gundersen was in that post because of Spitzer. As much as this state wants to separate itself from Spitzer, the work Spitzer did with upstate is what should be followed by every governor that follows him - including Paterson.

Also, I'm concerned about who is influencing this decision. I don't believe Paterson, unilaterally, would make such a decision. He has showed that he is willing to work with upstate and on behalf of upstate to address our economic concerns.

One thing is clear: Gundersen was good for upstate. I sat in on a conference call after the budget was finalized and Gundersen talked about the upstate economic initiatives. He knows what's going on up here. We need Gundersen in that post.


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