Energy reduction plan would hike bills

National Grid has proposed new environmentally-friendly programs for its Upstate New York service area designed to save energy.

If rubber-stamped by the Public Service Commission, the average National Grid residential electric customer could see a $1.50 increase in their monthly bills as early as October. Over the three years the programs will be made available, company officials estimate those customers could save a total $350 million.

"As part of its energy and environmental policy, the state of New York has set an ambitious goal of reducing energy usage 15 percent by 2015," said Tom King, president of National Grid in the U.S. "National Grid is proposing expanded energy efficiency programs for our customers so that we can together take action to achieve this goal."

The proposed programs were filed April 30, and cover what would be considered the old Niagara Mohawk service territory. The company has some 1.5 million electric customers in Upstate New York.

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