Senator slams PSC in deal by LARRY RULISON

ALBANY -- U.S. Sen. Charles Schumer criticized the state Public Service Commission on Wednesday for requiring Spanish utility Iberdrola SA to sell its New York state wind farms before they'll allow it to acquire Energy East Corp.

"This is one of the most amazing things that I've seen," Schumer said. "The PSC is being very stone-headed and not being very practical."

Iberdrola is the world's largest wind farm developer. The company has maintained that developing wind projects in New York state is a key aspect of its $4.5 billion deal for Energy East, the parent company of New York State Electric & Gas and Rochester Gas & Electric.

The purchase needs the approval of the five commissioners of the PSC, the state body that oversees utilities.

But PSC staff, who provide recommendations to the commissioners, want Iberdrola to agree to a number of conditions as part of their approval.

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