I recently had the opportunity to speak with Buffalo news reporter, John Bonfatti, prior to the publication of his 7/12/08 article on wind power, "Wind on the Water." Mr. Bonfatti agreed during our discussion that wind-generated electricity will have no effect at all on our oil dependence problem. Yet, Bonfatti repeated these very claims made by a local wind proponent in his article totally unquestioned. Consequently, Bonfatti's article came off more as a wind promotion piece, than as an unbiased, investigative report.

When Mr. Bonfatti admitted wind had nothing to do with oil dependence in our conversation, I asked him, "Why then, does the wind industry resort to lying about reducing our dependence on foreign oil in order to sell wind energy to the public?" Bonfatti said, "Oh, that's just politics," as if that somehow made the lies justifiable.

This is the sad reality of where our country is today - financially-motivated corporations, together with self-serving, energy-illiterate politicians, and agenda-driven media, all leading by deceiving. Deception only leads to division and error. The massive division that's been created by industrial wind is clearly evident in every community it enters.

(Click to read entire letter)


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