National Grid is promoting energy efficiency

To achieve lower energy bills for our customers and reduced environmental impact we took action earlier this year by filing a proposal for an expanded portfolio of energy-efficiency programs. The proposal is also consistent with the New York State Public Service Commission's objective of expanding energy efficiency.

As energy costs rise, customers may undertake some energy-efficiency efforts on their own; however, we find that they are increasingly turning to their utility to find solutions. At National Grid, we believe we have a special relationship with our customers which allows us a unique opportunity to utilize the power of action and work with them directly to help reduce their energy use. These programs have the potential to help all of our customers and complement existing programs currently in place through the New York State Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA). Included in these proposed programs are specifically targeted initiatives for low-income customers who are especially burdened by rising energy costs.

To implement these new programs, we have proposed they be funded through the Systems Benefits Charges on our monthly customer bills. We believe this short-term investment will have long-term benefits, including reduced demand and increased efficiency that will outweigh the costs while providing long-term benefits to individual customers and the environment as a whole. In fact, the estimated costs of approximately $220 million for this program are expected to reap lifetime benefits of $350 million in energy savings.

Susan M. Crossett - Syracuse - The writer is the National Grid vice president for Energy Solutions in Upstate New York.

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