Not happy with NYSEG

I believe NYSEG needs lessons in customer relations. I had an experience with NYSEG that has been smoldering for approximately two years and they are hoping it will go away. It was admitted by them that they had billing problems in the past and I was one that was affected. Despite their incompetence at the time, all they were concerned with was what was owed to them and not how it affected me financially.

I was more than willing to pay what was due, but they made it appear as though I was the cause of the huge amount owed. Threats of termination of service and bills received days within each other (only they could interpret the graphs/charts/charges included) with different amounts were received and added to my frustration.

They made a feeble attempt to resolve the situation, but it was more like “take it or leave it” and nothing mutually agreed upon. It was a token attempt without genuine concern.

Being a NYSEG customer for 25-plus years without any previous problems and then being treated like last night's garbage was/is totally unacceptable.

If this is the only means in which I can express my views to them, let it be known that this is the first step in rectifying the situation.

I suggest that if you have had similar displeasures with their procedures and policies, then join me and let your displeasure be known!

Nick Gentile


  1. Anonymous said...

    I have also had extraordinary problems with NYSEG's billing system. I also receive bills within days of each, usually following a long duration of time when I received no bills and was left in the dark. The amount-owed on one bill conflicts with another, so that the numbers do not add up. Furthermore, I will receive a termination notice a day or two after I receive my first bill, this when I am square with my past payments. I share your frustation.

  2. Anonymous said...

    Has anybody else noticed a dramatic increase in their energy costs for the month of January 09? If so, please post it on the blog.

    My energy costs have doubled,despite maintaining a level of heat that feels more like a refrigerator than a freezer, which leaves me in dire need of an explanation?

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