Testing energy policy by Larry Rulison

That doesn't quell the concerns of James Hall, a spokesman for Cohoctan Wind Watch, a citizens group opposed to wind farm development in Steuben County.

Hall, a NYSEG customer, said he believes that if Iberdrola is allowed to take over Energy East and own wind farms in its service territory, that will only mean higher rates.

Hall supports the recommendation by the administrative law judge overseeing the case for the PSC, Rafael Epstein, to limit Iberdrola's wind farm ownership to outside the NYSEG and RG&E service territories. That solution, which is also supported by IPPNY, would allow Iberdrola to keep its interest in Maple Ridge, which is in the National Grid service territory.

In fact, only three of the 10 projects proposed by Iberdrola in New York would be in the NYSEG service territory; none would be in RG&E's.

"We certainly hope they (the PSC commissioners) have the conviction to hold to his recommendation," Hall said. "They can't have it both ways. The PSC policy is pretty clear."

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