Budget built on borrowing, fees

ALBANY -- Lawmakers completed a $121.7 billion state budget Wednesday that includes substantial borrowing and that budget critics say is precariously balanced on one-time revenues and more than $1 billion in increased taxes and fees.

The budget raises spending 4.9 percent from the $116 billion spent last year.

The Legislature and Gov. David Paterson agreed to split $1.28 billion for big-ticket items that will likely be supported through bonds, including $46 million for the proposed Advanced Micro Devices chip fab in Malta.

Some of the new revenues close loopholes affecting businesses, but some will hit consumers directly, such as a $1.25 increase on the per-pack tax on cigarettes and $70 million more in assessments on health insurance policies.

Paterson said the budget is imperfect and spending habits will have to change drastically, given the nation's faltering economy.

(Click to read entire report)


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