Nonprofit to turn gas into energy

David Hallquist is enamored of the concept of converting trash into energy, but he is stepping away from that plan -- for now.

Hallquist, CEO of the Vermont Electric Cooperative, is steering from gasifying municipal waste and dry sewage -- and will instead start with wood chips, leaves and switch grass. He has come to the realization that public sentiment is against using waste products as fuel.

"Certainly, we thought garbage was a great solution, but that's not what the residents of the state of Vermont want. ... We are changing our direction at this point," Hallquist said Wednesday from his office at the electric co-op in Johnson.

But, he said, "We are leaving open the option to experiment with municipal waste in the future."

(Click to read entire article)


  1. Anonymous said...

    I found this article surprising. Why wouldn't we want to turn trash and sewage into something that could bring about energy instead of having it buried in the ground and polluting our waterways? i think it's time to wake up and stop being squeamish about the very waste we are creating.

    Dagny McKinley
    organic apparel

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