Tonko files papers for Congressional run

Finally, former Assemblyman Paul Tonko got into the race for Congress Thursday in the candidate-laden 21st District, a seat being vacated by Rep. Michael McNulty, D-Green Island.

Tonko has filed his intention to seek the office with the Federal Elections Commission and signed up to be interviewed Saturday by the screening committee of the Albany County Democratic Committee, according to sources. He joins seven other Democrats whose hats are in the ring.

Last July 1, Tonko, 58, an Amsterdam Democrat, become president and CEO of the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority after resigning from the state Assembly. He had represented the 105th Assembly District, including all of Montgomery and part of Schenectady counties, from April 1983 to June 2007.

His interest in seeking the federal office has been rumored for months and speculation was he had to work out a deal to hold onto his job while running for Congress.

On Thursday, he didn't return a call, so it was not clear whether he would have to step down to run for the seat that McNulty held for 20 years. Tonko served as chairman of the Assembly Committee on Energy, and gained a national reputation as an expert on energy and utility issues, according to his official biography. He is a graduate of Clarkson University with a degree in mechanical and industrial engineering.


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