The national energy bill, which Congress passed last December, wisely took into account the negative economic impact increased taxes on our U.S. energy producers would have on America, and excluded these taxes from the final legislation. Recently, however, House Democrats brought new energy taxes back to the debate with the passage of another bill that again endangers all Americans, and particularly Floridians.

This is an inherently poor policy recommendation that we should all oppose.

Adding new energy taxes to our already-struggling economy is like throwing a drowning man an anvil. The primary effect of new taxes levied on our domestic oil, gas and energy producers would be increased costs for consumers and businesses as the taxes are passed directly down in the form of higher prices for energy and other goods and services.

Residents of Florida, and specifically Central Florida, already shoulder a fuel-tax burden that is among the highest in the country. The Orange County total is 48.6 cents per gallon; Seminole is 49.6 cents, while both Volusia and Polk counties are at 54.6 cents per gallon of state and federal taxes, above and beyond cost.

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