Dear NYS Agencies, especially NYSERDA, DEC and PSC,

The leasing and ownership of large quantities of Western NY Land for Wind may have negative ramifications upon the natural resources of oil and gas in the region!

Lately, there has been a large amount of solicitation to buy oil, gas and mineral rights. The Oil, gas and wind companies have common parent companies or associations thereof. Additionally, there is contemplation by IDA's and municipalities of Eminent Domain to private corporations (foreign).

How are the NY State Agencies protecting the wealth of natural resources from foreign entities and corporations? It appears that there are large gaps in NYS law; agencies stating "not my job."

Attached please find:

1. The NYSERDA Oil and Gas Map
2. The Save Upstate Wind Map- needs updating
3. Reference to the MISSING NYSERDA TrueWinds Map
4. NREL Wind Map of NYS with descriptors.
5. NYSERDA Email on "Supply and Demand"

The wealth of wind does not match the concentration of proposed projects!

From NREL:
"Winter is the season of maximum wind power throughout the Northeast region. During this season, all except the most sheltered areas have class 3 or better wind resource, and exposed coastal areas and mountain summits can expect class 6 or 7 wind resource. In summer, the season of minimum wind power, class 3 wind resource can be found only on the outer coastal areas and highest mountain summits. "

Again, how are the NYS Agencies protecting our Critical Electric/Gas/Oil Infrasctructure and Natural Resources? Can you provide assurances? Is there data driven analysis?

From Ask PSC Green Goals:

" "Reduces use of imported fossil fuels, keeping dollars spent on energy in the State's economy."


Alice Sokolow

(Click to read entire letter with sources on CPAgroup WiKi)


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