How To Spot A Green Scam

The arrival of a new crop of scams is right on cue, just as investor interest is peaking in a new set of technologies and a very hot sector. Those of us who have followed the market for many years can remember - but not fondly - the endless internet-related pump & dump scams of the late 1990s, where a few wisely chosen buzzwords could ignite just enough interest to make a few people part with their money before the truth came to light.

Green is Just a Word
Even though today's markets have more regulation than at any other period in the past, scammers can still write up false presentation materials and slap them onto OTC stocks, lifeless limited partnership interests, or even private shell companies. With so much of today's business (and information) being transacted on the internet, the physical distance between overeager investors and those who wish to prey on them is literally wider than ever. Making matters worse is the fact that anyone with a few bucks and a few hours to spare can send a million spam emails, text messages or phone calls. (To learn more about these scams, see Wham Bam Micro-Cap Scam and Online Investment Scam Tutorial.)

Because nobody wants to get duped, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind for those looking into green investing opportunities:

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